Monday, August 2, 2010

Seeing but not seeing...

How many people do you think you see in a day? 50, 100, 200 or more?

I was thinking about the people I see. Most of them I just drive past or vaguely see in the wrapped up in my own stuff that I push past them without really seeing them. We say pray for the lost...they are all around and yet unrecognized.

There is a couple that I see frequently at the corner near my house. They sit or stand with their sign, begging for money. I get frustrated with people who use signs to beg. I pass judgment on them for where they are at and what they could be doing without knowing a single thing about them.

Last week, I stopped. I reached in the back of my car and pulled out several bottles of cold water. Walking toward them, I lied and said I didn't have any money. I was intimidated by them. They are like I used to be and that scares me. I'm afraid that I'm only a few short choices away from being back there again. My past is still pursuing me and I haven't let the ties be severed yet.

I told them I had water. They said they love water..."whoever gives even a cup of cold water to the least of these..."

I told them I'd been where they are and there is a better way. The man said he preferred and actually loved the lifestyle he had because he was free with no responsibility. She longed for security of a home. I can relate. Security is a deep need that we have and can only find in the One who gives eternal security.

I was afraid to look too long into her eyes, I might see a reflection of my own. The fears that drive those who do not know God lurk in the dark, whispering lies that my life is still the same...

I gave her a card with my number. She has not called. I still see her at the corner. How long til I actually reach out to her? I think in order to face the fears of the past and embrace the present, I must put the effort into reaching her.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Love is...

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is... waits, without anger, without anxiety, it endured when the end cannot be seen as it is very patient in the trials...

Kind...generous, tender, thinks of others first, gives of itself when it hurts...

Not jealous...of others, of anyone's time, gifts, talents, love or affections, it is content to "be" without angst or contention...

Not proud...Love is humble and doesn't place itself above or below anyone else...

Not is sensitive to the needs of others, overlooking the needs of self, it doesn't use sarcasm or harshness to get its own way...

Does not demand its own way...lets go of control of the relationship and leaves itself open, vulnerable to rejection and hurt but loves anyway, seeking the best for others and not for self...

Not irritable...when others don't respond, it has no expectations in return so loves without aggitation, does not get frustrated with others, very patient...

Keeps no record of wrongs...forgives and forgets completely, does not bring up or remember when someone has wronged love, does not hold injustices against the other...

Not glad at injustice, but rejoices when the Truth wins out...rejoice in the success or growth of others in God, does not look at self accomplishments, sad at the injustices in the world, but joyful when others have cause to rejoice...

Love never gives up...EVER, on anyone, even if the circumstances look bleak, love never gives up...

Love never loses faith...always believes and hopes and looks to what will be...

Love is always hopeful...sees the best, sees the finish, sees the Father and waits upon His lead...

Love endures through every circumstance...not just the good times, but through the hard times, the growing times, the struggling times, the doubting times, the questioning times, every time, it will endure to the end of everything else because Love is God and God is Love and Love does not end...