Friday, September 2, 2011

Progression of the Lie

I've been thinking about how I go from being sure and confident in a choice or going from being so joyful and peaceful to completely doubting that choice or feeling down and heavy.... 1. I make a decision to do something that seems right, God's will or is a growth choice. 2. Almost immediately, there is a second thought, a doubt, a question in my mind. 3. That doubt keeps lingering, returning, pestering. 4. I doubt myself, my choice, my abilities, and question my acceptance with others. 5. I relinquish my choice, my decision, my resolve to step out in growth. 6. I feel bad about myself, my choices, my decisions and shrink back with discouragement. 7. I remember the Promises of God. 8. I read the Promises of God. 9. I begin to believe the Promises of God. 10. I make a decision to do something that seems right, God's will or is a growth choice... Now, how do I stop the cycle????

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